Indigo for Cinema 4D

Next generation Cinema 4D integration

Integrated rendering

After a considerable development effort the next-generation exporter for Cinema 4D is finally here!

"Integrated" in this context means it won't write anything to disk unless it has to (e.g. baked shaders), and that you can use Indigo directly within C4D. Not writing to disk and working with the Indigo SDK interface allows for a much faster workflow.

Both Indigo Renderer and Indigo RT customers benefit from these improvements; you can now work entirely within the familiar Cinema 4D interface.

This new product using the Indigo SDK is made available to all new and existing 3.x customers completely free of charge.

Integrated rendering with Indigo for Cinema 4D. Scene by Arthur Staschyk

Optimised workflow

Direct integration into Cinema 4D brings many workflow benefits; wheather it be rendering animations, previewing materials or making test renders, your familiar workflow is uninterrupted.

The new, automated material preview is much snappier to update as you change material settings.

Indigo's network rendering and GPU acceleration are fully supported, so all available computing power can be utilised.

Material Editing

Constantly improving

Glare Technologies is committed to delivering a great user experience for Cinema 4D users. The new installer for Windows greatly simplifies installation and updating: exporters for Cinema 4D versions R10 through R13 come bundled with Indigo for Windows. It does not require a separate download anymore.

Many functionality improvements and fixes have also been made, and support for new Indigo features such as the new sun & sky system have been added.

Concrete House by Heiko Schmidt / Impulse - Rendered with Indigo for Cinema 4D


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Render-node licences are now only €99. The Indigo 2 to Indigo 3 upgrade price is €149 for the duration of the sale (usually €195). Indigo 3.2 is free for Indigo 3.0 owners.

Indigo for Cinema is available on Windows and Mac OS X for Cinema 4D versions R10 to R13 (R10.5 to R13 on Mac OS X).

Please contact for sales enquiries, or for general enquiries.