November 2008 Issue

Q&A: *Twilight'*s Kellan Lutz

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The cast of Twilight: Robert Pattinson (Edward), Elizabeth Reaser (Esme), Kellan Lutz (Emmett), Peter Facinelli (Dr. Cullen), Nikki Reed (Rosalie), Kristen Stewart (Bella), Ashley Greene (Alice), Jackson Rathbone (Jasper), Cam Gigandet (James), Edi Gathegi (Laurent), Taylor Lautner (Jacob), Rachelle Lefevre (Victoria). Photograph by Peggy Sirota.

Kellan Lutz, 23, plays Emmett Cullen, the tall and intimidating vampire husband of Rosalie and adoptive brother of Edward. Lutz's credits include HBO's Generation Kill and this year's revival of 90210.

VF Daily: Had you read the "Twilight" books before getting the script?

Kellan Lutz: I hadn't. I didn't even know there was a book series. I read the script while I was in Africa and fell in love with it. I loved the vampire story. It felt so new and fresh, not the typical "let's kill the vampire with a pitchfork" idea. It was really unique. They first sent me out for Edward's role, and as much as I would have loved to be the lead, it wasn't possible for me to fly back from Africa where I was shooting and audition as many times as they would have needed me to. So I read Emmett and he seemed so cool. Once I was cast, I was flown out to Oregon to start shooting, and my friend [and castmate] Ashley Greene had all of the books. She asked me if I had read the books, and I was like, "Ha ha, you're joking. There are no books." So she gave them to me and I did my homework. I read all three of them. The fourth wasn't out yet.Have you started to feel the mania that will likely surround the film?

I felt the impact of how crazy this is going to be for all of us while we were shooting. I hope we can live up to the precedent set by Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings.

What was your initial reaction to the idea of playing a vampire?

My agent and I try to be picky with roles so that I can drive my career in different directions and be different, creative characters. I want to be an actor for the rest of my life and to have fun with my career. So I told him that I wish I could do a movie that already has a fan base. And then Twilight came along!

The plot of Twilight is a love story, a fantasy, and a horror story all in one. Which aspect most appealed to you?

It was the combination of everything. The backstory of Romeo and Juliet is certainly there—in this case, it's the forbidden love between a mortal and an immortal. And of course this movie also has a lot of action, so it appeals to everyone.

What was it like to work with this young cast?

I've been so fortunate to work with a lot of my friends. I knew Jackson Rathbone [Jasper] and Ashley Greene [Alice] before we started, but I was a late-comer on the film. I booked Emmett on one of the last days of rehearsal, so I definitely came in as the new guy. That's always tough, but having good friends that I already knew made it much easier. The whole cast is really great, and I'm so excited to do the rest of the series with them. We're still really close and we all still hang out.

Were there any particularly funny moments on set?

All the guys always goofed around with the girls. Especially when the weather got bad, the girls would be freezing and we would throw hail balls at them. We would all hang out at the end of the day in a different cast member's room, order room service, and just chill. Rob Pattinson [Edward] would play the guitar and we'd just eat and talk and sing. Edi Gathegi [Laurent] would assume this funny girl voice and call random cast members and tell them their call time was five hours earlier. It was just a lot of fun.

What was it like to transform into a vampire every day?

I loved playing a vampire, but it was really tough because I don't wear contacts. Just putting in those contacts would take me 45 minutes to an hour. We had a makeup artist named Jeannie who, bless her heart, would put them in for me everyday. Eventually we got it down to only taking five minutes.

Do you have any upcoming projects?

I'm on [the CW's] 90210 and that's going really well. And I'm starting a new movie called Warriors. I leave for the East Coast on Halloween, which is a bummer because I was going to throw a big party. But that's O.K. It's going to be a great movie.


Dickinson, North Dakota.


Six brothers and one sister. I'm smack-dab in the middle.

Significant other?


Celebrity crush?

Jessica Biel.

Signature style?

Comfortable! I used to wear sweats and a T-shirt to auditions, but my agent would yell at me and tell me I had to look nice and presentable. So I had to drop that habit.

Who do you consider the most stylish man in Hollywood?

Brad Pitt.

Favorite movie?

A Christmas Story.

Favorite actor?

Robert Redford.

TV shows that you TiVo?

I don't have TiVo, but I watch a lot of Judge Judy—it makes me happy about my life when I see what the people on that show do. I also love Entourage, Weeds, and Dexter. And, of course, Family Guy and South Park.

Favorite book?

The Purpose Driven Life.

Favorite band?


Favorite cause?

Boys and Girls Club and World Family Kids Camp.

New York or L.A.?


Tina Fey or Sarah Palin?

Tina Fey, good God!

MySpace or Facebook?


More Twilight, only on

Interviews: "Twilight Mania,” featuring interviews with 12 cast members.

Article: "The Twilight Zone," by James Wolcott.

Article: "A Spotlight on Twilight at the Apple Store," by Andi Teran, featuring a video interview with Robert Pattinson and director Catherine Hardwicke.

Video: "Twilight Idols," behind the scenes at the Vanity Fair photo shoot.