Celebrity Instagrams

Halle Berry Is Stunning In Her First Instagram Post

The picture is gorgeous.
Image may contain Halle Berry Face Human Person Hair and Haircut
2016 Getty Images

Angela Weiss / Getty

Halle Berry just joined Instagram on Tuesday, and her first post already has the Internet going crazy. The 49-year-old decided to make a splash with a topless photo that's undeniably breathtaking. In the upload Berry is surrounded by bamboo, and it looks like the only thing she's wearing is jewelry.

"Today is a very exciting day for me," Berry explained after in the caption. "I'm excited to share with you my love of nature, the arts, fashion and much more in the hopes that the images will inspire, promote conversation and bring you joy." She definitely delivered on all of the above with her first artistic image.

We definitely can't wait to see what else Berry will share with us. She's certainly no stranger to the glamorous lights of Hollywood, but we haven't had a chance to look deeper into the personal life of the iconic actress. This will give us a peek into the gorgeous star's world beyond her career. In the image caption, she went on to reveal another interest. "I am in awe of photography and its ability to capture and reflect this extraordinary world that we live in."

It looks like she's planning to give her followers an amazing show on Instagram, and she debuted a verified account on Twitter, too. Both of her bios include a classic quote from American author Henry David Thoreau. "It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." She's making it pretty easy to choose our #womancrushwednesday this week. Check out her double-tap worthy photo below.

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