Life on the water planet

Life on the water planet

Photo by Matt Hardy on Unsplash

Originally published 7 September 1998

We live on the Water Planet.

Noth­ing con­firms this so vivid­ly as a day­time cross­ing of the Atlantic Ocean at 30,000 feet. Viewed from an air­plane in mid-ocean, the sea stretch­es in every direc­tion to far hori­zons, appar­ent­ly shrink-wrap­ping the plan­et in liq­uid H2O.

Pho­tographs of the entire Earth from deep space show almost three-quar­ters of the sur­face cov­ered with water or sea ice. Of the one-quar­ter that is dry land, a sig­nif­i­cant part is cov­ered with ice, most­ly in Green­land and Antarc­ti­ca. Of the rest, more than half is under cloud at any giv­en time — the vis­i­ble sig­na­ture of water in the atmosphere.

And what strange, ani­mat­ing stuff water is — almost as if our sop­py plan­et were unique­ly designed to be the cra­dle of life.

Per­haps the most felic­i­tous qual­i­ty of water is that it is a liq­uid at mod­er­ate tem­per­a­tures. Most oth­er sub­stances con­sist­ing of sim­i­lar­ly small mol­e­cules — such as methane, ammo­nia, and hydro­gen sul­fide — are gases.

Liq­uid water is an excel­lent sol­vent that bathes liv­ing cells in nutri­ent-rich solu­tions, trans­ports sub­stances with­in cells, and helps flush away the tox­ic detri­tus of life. For­tu­nate­ly, water does­n’t dis­solve cal­ci­um phos­phate, which is why our bones don’t melt away.

Unlike almost every oth­er sub­stance, water expands as it freezes, which means that lakes and ponds freeze from the sur­face down, rather than from bot­tom up, a for­tu­itous cir­cum­stance for aquat­ic crea­tures that live in cold climates.

Water is so unique­ly favor­able to life as we know it, it is hard to imag­ine life with­out it.

Where did it come from, this plan­e­tary wrap of flu­id, this liq­uidy bower?

A stan­dard sto­ry is that the heat of the young Earth drove hydro­gen and oxy­gen atoms out of chem­i­cal com­bi­na­tion in min­er­als like mica, which then com­bined to form water.

Four bil­lion years ago, the plan­et was most­ly molten, heat­ed by radioac­tiv­i­ty and the vio­lence of its for­ma­tion — a vast spher­i­cal vol­cano — and the new­ly formed water bub­bled up out of the fiery depths as steam. Lat­er, as the plan­et cooled, the Earth­’s shroud of gaseous mois­ture pre­cip­i­tat­ed as rain, which col­lect­ed in the broad, deep hol­lows of the new­ly-formed crust. As the chemist P. W. Atkins says: “Our oceans were once our rocks.”

Anoth­er pos­si­bil­i­ty is that the water was already there in the gassy neb­u­la out of which the solar sys­tem formed.

Ear­li­er this year [in 1998], a team of astronomers using the Infrared Space Obser­va­to­ry (ISO) dis­cov­ered what appears to be a mas­sive water gen­er­a­tor in a cloud of gas near the Great Ori­on Neb­u­la, 1,500 light-years away.

The Earth-orbit­ing tele­scope picked up the unmis­tak­able radi­a­tion of water mol­e­cules, the largest con­cen­tra­tion of water ever seen out­side of our solar system.

The tar­get neb­u­la is most­ly hydro­gen, but it also con­tains free oxy­gen. A hot young star embed­ded in the neb­u­la spews off pow­er­ful shock waves of gas that pum­mel and heat the neb­u­la, caus­ing oxy­gen to com­bine with hydro­gen, cre­at­ing enough water in a sin­gle day to fill the Earth­’s oceans 60 times over.

Even­tu­al­ly that water vapor will cool and freeze,” says David Neu­field, one of the ISO astronomers, “turn­ing into small sol­id par­ti­cles of ice. Sim­i­lar par­ti­cles were pre­sum­ably present with­in the gas cloud from which the solar sys­tem orig­i­nal­ly formed. It seems quite plau­si­ble that much of the water in the solar sys­tem was orig­i­nal­ly pro­duced in a giant water-vapor fac­to­ry like the one we have observed in Orion.”

Plau­si­ble, but not cer­tain. Oth­er astronomers won­der how such pre-formed par­ti­cles of ice could have sur­vived the vio­lence of plan­e­tary formation.

Per­haps the wildest idea is that of physi­cist Louis Frank of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Iowa, who believes the Earth gath­ered its water from space after the crust was formed.

Accord­ing to Frank, the Earth is pelt­ed every day by tens of thou­sands of house-size cos­mic snow­balls — a con­tin­u­ous rain of mini-comets. He bases his the­o­ry on fleet­ing dark spots seen in ultra­vi­o­let images of the Earth­’s upper atmos­phere made by orbit­ing satellites.

Frank’s idea has received lots of media atten­tion, but it has not gath­ered much sup­port in the wider sci­en­tif­ic com­mu­ni­ty. The idea of the oceans slow­ly filled by ice­balls from space will require more proof than Frank has so far mustered.

The Greek philoso­pher Thales of Mile­tus—who might rea­son­ably be con­sid­ered the first sci­en­tist — believed water was the orig­i­nal sub­stance of the uni­verse. He observed that the seeds and nutri­ments of every­thing are moist, and from this deduced that every­thing comes from water.

He was cer­tain­ly right about the pri­ma­cy of water for life, but he was wrong in believ­ing that water is the orig­i­nal sub­stance. We now know that water is com­posed of two more basic sub­stances — hydro­gen and oxy­gen — and we have a pret­ty good idea where those more basic ele­ments came from. The hydro­gen was appar­ent­ly cre­at­ed in the Big Bang, 15 bil­lion years ago; the oxy­gen was forged in the vio­lence of explod­ing stars that lived and died before the Earth was born.

What remains to be dis­cov­ered, is how and where the hydro­gen and oxy­gen were forced togeth­er to cre­ate the quin­til­lions of tons of life-giv­ing sub­stance that cov­ers the sur­face of our plan­et like a sil­very sheath.

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