The Mysteries of Palenque & Tikal


Have you ever wondered how telluric energy is captured or why some sacred sites are considered more important than others? In this blog, best-selling author and leading researcher of ancient knowledge, Freddy Silva discusses the sites of Palenque, Mexico and Tikal, Guatemala and why they still hold so much transformative power today.

This blog interview is the second in our mini-series exploring these two sacred sites. In our last blog feature Maya Master Teacher Miguel Angel Vergara shared wisdom about both Palenque and Tikal. You can visit these two sites with Miguel Angel and Freddy in January 2017 as they lead the journey, “Maya Temples of Transformation with Freddy Silva & Miguel Angel Vergara: A Sacred Journey from Palenque to Tikal”.

Palenque Temple of Inscriptions
The Temple of Inscriptions at Palenque, Mexico

Sacred Earth Journeys: Palenque is the home of many of the Classic Maya teachers. Can you give us some details and talk about the importance of one of these teachers: Pakal?

Freddy Silva: The 7th century ruler Pakal is my particular favourite because so much exists of his story here, specifically the lid of his sarcophagus which reveals much about the secrets of initiation once practiced in specific temples at Palenque. To have been considered a truly great ruler one had to have experienced the Otherworld whilst alive, and taught others such Mysteries of enlightenment through methods similar to shamanism. Palenque drew people here on a personal quest to become better humans in their lifetime, whether laypeople or royalty, and part of the site was used for discovering the “great inner human”. And you can tell by the aura that remains.

Pakal Maya Ruler
K’inich Janaab’ Pakal (Photo: Wikimedia Commons/A. Stromnitsky)

SEJ: What are some of the other reasons that Palenque is such an important Maya site?

FS: As one of the best preserved temple cities it offers a glimpse of how ancient cultures replicated the elements of nature and the heavens within the blueprint of the buildings, if not the entire site. It is a cosmological city where people come to seek their connection (or lack of) to the bigger picture, and in doing so discover their place in this life. It is a place that acts as a mirror of the stars and the self. And since it largely escaped the atrocities that taint many of the sites to the north, the original intent is still palpable. That’s a rare thing in these days of mass tourism. The fact that it also takes a considerable effort to reach means that it exists for those who are on a deeper quest to further their inner potential, to become “as a god, as a bright star”.

Palenque in Mexico jungle
Palenque surrounded by pristine jungle

SEJ: Can you explain Tikal’s role in capturing telluric energy, and how this process works?

FS: From my research into the world’s sacred sites, there exists a spiritual technology that is hard-wired into the structures, and the blueprint is pretty consistent around the globe. Before each structure was built, certain masters of the spiritual arts (known as augurs in Greece) would go to the site and locate hotspots of energy. Or they would draw such energy to the site; I hope to teach our group how to do this next January. The design of the buildings would then anchor and amplify that telluric force, and anyone who interacted with it would get a good zap up the spine and give their body’s electrical system a boost. This was done for healing, ritual, and out of body travelling. The pyramid structure is very useful for this because its terraces and angles help conduct this natural current towards the top, where exists a meeting place between the seen and unseen, and the umbilical cords linking the two are the serpents carved on the staircases.

Tikal in Guatemala
The sacred site of Tikal, Guatemala

SEJ: What do we know about Tikal’s purpose, and what activities took place here?

FS: Tikal is one of the earliest “navel” places, linked as it is by a perfect isosceles triangle with Palenque and Copan. These temple cities would have formed a triad of teaching centres. Collect all three and you earn a degree in complete Mysteries teachings, so to speak! A similar concept was at play in Egypt. Tikal’s role was primarily in using the telluric forces anchored here to elevate the individual to hear the inner voice, or an instruction from the gods, if you prefer. It’s not by accident that one of its earliest names is Place of the Hidden Voices. Thus, much of the site deals with connecting the individual to the subtlety of nature, the intangible, the Force: hence why it was subconsciously used in the early Star Wars saga. Funny how this power still exists, in its original state, that it can permeate modern culture.

Freddy Silva tour leader Mexico
Best-selling author Freddy Silva sharing ancient Mysteries with our group in Mexico

SEJ: What are you personally most looking forward to about visiting Tikal?

FS: It’s a bit of a homecoming for me. So much of what I do is teach people about the ancient Mysteries, and that requires a lot of mental activity. Tikal is a timely reminder to shut up and hear the cosmos, to see the unseen and be reminded of that greatness that lives inside us and that we often neglect due to the demands of modern society. This is your chance to forget and plug in. Enjoy the ride!


To experience the power of Tikal and Palenque for yourself register now for our 2017 journey: “Maya Temples of Transformation with Freddy Silva & Miguel Angel Vergara: A Sacred Journey from Palenque to Tikal”. Read full itinerary details and more information about these 2 sacred sites on our website.

~Sacred Earth Journeys