Diseños para Secciones de Revista'

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a magazine cover with two young people on the front and one man standing behind them
¡Los Polinesios en Revista 15a20! Portada 1. Agosto 2015.
the different types of font and numbers for each type of webpage, including one that is
La psicología de la tipografía en una infografía - SEOptimer
#Infografía La psicología de la #tipografía:
an image of a large number of pages on a white background with the same color and size
Naturalism Magazine
revista informativa sobre las reservas de la biósfera en el estado de Chihuahua.
multiple stacks of magazines stacked on top of each other with the same image in them
Modern Cool Pattern Magazine
La revista= magazine
the diagram shows how to make a book with different pages and lines on it, including one
Magazine Project week 6
Diagramación para revistas, ejemplos, consultas, dinamismo gráfico entre otras disposición del espacio
an open brochure is shown with multiple images
Creative Photography Portfolio A4 Brochure vol. 3
an image of a magazine cover with different colors and designs on it's pages
InkDesign Magazine Template
Saturacion de Color + Transparencia. Titulares en Bloques
an open book with black and white typograms on the front, back and side
Editorial I Longinotti - Revista
Editorial I longinotti 2- Revista on Behance... - a grouped images picture - Pin Them All
a series of photoshopped images showing the different angles of an airplane's wing
Cool Retro Vintage Magazine
Diseño editorial
a series of banners with different colors and shapes on them, all showing the same color scheme
Fish Bowl
Revista Fish Bowl, es un proyecto académico creado para el taller de Diseño Editorial por Juan Manuel Zúñiga.
a large number of different types of papers
Revista Summit
Podemos utilizar recortes de revistas para realizar collages y crear originales personajes
a person holding money in their hand on the cover of a magazine called tiempo
absysNET Opac Red de Bibliotecas de Aragón
ACTUALIDAD. "Tiempo: revista semanal de actualidad". Reúne reportajes, entrevistas a personajes destacados… Ofrece de forma seria información de carácter general de forma objetiva. Entre sus secciones destaca: economía, mundo, cultura, sociedad, entrevistas, etc.
a pink book with the words mondial written in black on it's cover
Rapha Mondial Revista inglesa sobre ciclismo
the diy planner is organized and ready to be used as a notebook or journal
How to make a DIY Planner from a Notebook
DIY Planner-for next year 2016. Make it personable.