How To Maintain Health Of Nails After A Manicure Session

It is crucial to maintain the health of nails and fingers after a manicure to ensure that you do not ruin the work of a beautician. 

Krati Purwar
manicure hands

A manicure session aims to clean hands and nails. The beautician cleans the nails and helps to prevent infection from dirt accumulation. Most of all, your fingers look clean and shiny after an hour session of clipping, scrubbing and painting.

Whenever you have gotten a manicure, your beautician must have told you a few things to avoid after the session. Here is a list to bookmark to ensure that your hands stay pretty and glowing days after the session. Read on.

Reduce Water Usage

reduce water usage

After a manicure session, you must avoid washing your hands too frequently. It will ensure that the nails remain top-notch for a long time. If you work too much with water or use soap frequently, the nails will lose their shine quickly.

Soaps have chemicals that make the hands dry. As a result, the moisturisation after the manicure gets lost. For the same reason, you must also avoid doing rough work like washing dishes without wearing gloves.

Do Not Work With Dough

After a manicure, it is essential you do not put your hands in any substance that can get trapped before your nails and skin. The list includes flour, clay, batter or dough.

Such things can make the nails appear dirty and will take no time to ruin the hard work done by the beautician.

Do Not Scrape Off Nail Paint

If by accident your nail paint comes off, do not indulge in scrapping it off with other nails. It will quickly ruin your nails, and the dried remains of paint will accumulate inside your nails, making them dirty.

On the contrary, you can use acetone (nail paint remover) to remove the nail paint. It will maintain the shine of your fingers and make your nails appear spotless.

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Stay Away From Artificial Nails

manicured hands

If you have ever got a manicure (manicure in 15 miinutes), you know it brings shine to your nails. However, if you apply artificial or acrylic nails, they will take off all the glow. Many times artificial nails also make it difficult to work around the house and office.

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Do Not Trim Nails Too Short

After a manicure, you must keep your nails trimmed. You do not have to cut them every week, but maybe in 15-20 days. Long nails can result in the trapping of dirt and dust under them. If you cut the nail too short, you might expose the nail bed, causing bleeding. It can also cause the accumulation of dirt and affect the hygiene of your nails.

If you have ever got a manicure done, share some aftercare advice with us in the Facebook comment section. Stay tuned to HerZindagi for more beauty tips.
