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General > HEIDI???? Updated

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message 1: by Stephanie (last edited Feb 25, 2009 02:45AM) (new)

Stephanie Another 90210-er may be making a stop in the Twilight zone.

I'm hearing that filmmakers have been considering the idea of casting 90210 star AnnaLynne McCord as Heidi in the upcoming New Moon, the much-anticipated sequel to Twilight.

Heidi isn't a major character in the book, but McCord definitely has the gorgeous looks to pull it off.

The character is a "fisher" who brings humans to the Volturi vampires to eat. She's also known as "bait" because of the way she uses her stunning looks to attract humans. In her brief appearance in the book, Bella describes Heidi as having "exceptional, unforgettable" beauty. She has stunning legs, long hair and violet eyes.

Sources tell me McCord has auditioned for the role. "It's not a big part," one of the sources said. "Heidi would be more like a cameo."

McCord should feel pretty comfortable on the set. Her 90210 costar Kellan Lutz—and rumored real-life boyfriend—played Emmett in Twilight and will return for the sequel.

McCord's rep did not immediately comment nor did a rep for the studio, Summit Entertainment.

Director Chris Weitz is expected to start shooting the flick with Robert Pattinson & Co. next month in Washington state and Italy with a Nov. 20 release date. Summit has yet to make any major new casting announcements for New Moon. However, as I exclusively reported, Dakota Fanning is in serious talks to play Jane.

message 2: by Stephanie (new)

message 3: by Caz (new)

Caz (cazk) She would be brilliant, in my opinion!

message 4: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie yep I think shes his
[image error]

message 5: by Meghan (last edited Feb 09, 2009 04:22PM) (new)

Meghan | 531 comments My friend isn't going to be too happy about that.
But they make such a cute couple! I love 90210!

message 6: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie AnnaLynne McCord Confirms New Moon Talks
FEBRUARY 10, 2009
AnnaLynne McCord, who was recently caught snogging with Twilight star Kellan Lutz at the Playboy Mansion, has confirmed that she is in talks to play the Volturi “fisher” Heidi in New Moon–

Hollyscoop caught up with AnnaLynne at the “Kiss For A Cause” event in Santa Monica where she confessed she’s going to hear back about the role “next week.”

“My fingers are crossed though,” AnnaLynne told Hollyscoop exclusively. “I’m a fan of the books as are my 14 and 12 year old cousins who are obsessed, they would freak if I got it. And I just want to do a film with a small role during my hiatus and then just have the rest of the time off cause I need a break, I want to go to Europe!”

message 7: by Meghan (new)

Meghan | 531 comments She's propbably will get the part. She could play a good Hedi.

message 8: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie AnnaLynne McCord Nearly Played Rosalie in Twilight

FEBRUARY 12, 2009

90210 star AnnaLynne McCord is still in negotiations to play Volturi temptress Heidi in New Moon, saying there are still some scheduling conflicts to work out. But what is quite interesting is that she revealed in a new MTV article she almost played Rosalie in Twilight–

Something that few Twilighters realize, however, is that the vampire-loving actress nearly played Nikki Reed’s part in the original film. “They wanted me to play Rosalie,” she recalled. “I met with the producers when ‘Twilight’ was casting, the original. I was on ‘Nip/Tuck’ at the time. And they were like, ‘We’d love to have you in this little film we’re doing called ‘Twilight,’ but the family only has small roles.’ They were like, ‘It shoots in Oregon, so you probably couldn’t do it anyway.’ And I was like, ‘If it shot [in L.A.:] that would be cool.”

“Then this little film ‘Twilight’ blows up, crazy,” she laughed, enjoying her seemingly predestined participation in the franchise. “So, I came back in for a [recent 'New Moon':] meeting and was like, ‘Hey, remember me? I supported you way back when!’ I’m like, ‘Let’s do this!’”

message 9: by Meghan (new)

Meghan | 531 comments I could she her playing Rosalie. Her charactor in 90210 is just like Rosalie. But Nikki Reed did do a good job anyway.

message 10: by Caz (new)

Caz (cazk) Yeah, she would be a good Rosalie and Heidi!

message 11: by Meghan (new)

Meghan | 531 comments I hope she gets it! I can't think of anyone else to play the role.

message 12: by Caz (new)

Caz (cazk) Nor can I!

message 13: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie Me either...I like Gisele but she might be to old.

message 14: by Meghan (new)

Meghan | 531 comments Who's Gisele?

message 15: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie That super model that's dating Tom Brady. She has been in a few movies

message 16: by Meghan (new)

Meghan | 531 comments Then she's probably too old.

message 17: by Mary (new)

Mary | 1348 comments o gisele is so pretty!.....but everyone knows gisele....she would be good i think

message 18: by Meghan (new)

Meghan | 531 comments I still have know clue who you guys are talking about.

message 19: by Mary (new)

Mary | 1348 comments shes a supermodel

message 20: by Meghan (new)

Meghan | 531 comments I like AnnaLynne better

message 21: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie AnnaLynne McCord Not Doing Twilight

The sequel to blockbuster Twilight, New Moon, hasn’t even started filming yet, but already there are shake-ups involving the cast of the film.

AnnaLynne McCord, who was slated to play the receptionist to the Volturi vampires in Rome, Heidi, tells OK! she’s no longer going to be in that role.

“I am so disappointed but it doesn’t look like it is going to happen with my schedule,” she revealed to OK! at the L.A. premiere of Fired Up on Feb. 19.

Fans of the 90210 star might still have some hope, as she adds, “But keep your fingers crossed for me. I hope that it still does!

message 22: by Meghan (new)

Meghan | 531 comments I hope they can figure something out. I really like her as an actress.

message 23: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie me to and I think she would be a good Heidi...

message 24: by Meghan (new)

Meghan | 531 comments I don't get how their having that much schedualing problems, Hedi is like in 5 sec. of the movie. I know 90210 flims like everyday, but they could fly her in for 1 day and she wouldn't miss much of 90210.

message 25: by Caz (new)

Caz (cazk) She'd be great! She would have been a great Rosalie in my opinion!
She really love's The Twilight Series, so I think she deserves to try be in it!

message 26: by Meghan (new)

Meghan | 531 comments Yeah she could have played Rose.
But I'm glade she's in 90210 and I like Nikki Reed.

message 27: by Caz (new)

Caz (cazk) I love her in 90210!
I just think AnnaLynne would look more natural 'cause her hair is natural blonde!(I think)
And you really tell Nikki isn't.
That and AnnaLynne is really at being hostile!

message 28: by Meghan (new)

Meghan | 531 comments True...
But I'm so use to picturing Nikki as Rose.

message 29: by [deleted user] (new)

She reminds me a lot of Rosalie...blond hair, and she looks like she has some

message 30: by Meghan (new)

Meghan | 531 comments She seems really nice in real life, but the charactors she plays... lets just say there a lot like Rose. She said in a interview somewhere that she always tries out for the nice girl role, but then they give her the villians lines and tell her they like her better as that.

message 31: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie Just found this...

New Moon has its Heidi.

I can exclusively reveal that Canadian supermodel Noot Seear has won the coveted role of the beautiful human bait in the Twilight sequel.

Heidi is described in Stephenie Meyer’s novel as a “fisher” who brings humans to the Volturi vampires to eat. She has “exceptional, unforgettable” beauty, which includes stunning legs, long hair and violet eyes.

If y’all remember, 90210 starlet AnnaLynne McCord auditioned for the role, which insiders have described to me as being more of a cameo than anything else.
So who is this Noot Seear?

The 25-year-old dark blond stunner hails from Vancouver, Canada. (Yup, that’s where director Chris Weitz just started shooting New Moon). She’s 5 feet 9 inches tall and has blue eyes, according to her agency, One Model Management. Her measurements? 34-24-34.

She began modeling when she was about 13 years old and moved to New York City “for more exposure,” New York magazine has reported.

Since then Seear has appeared in spreads in Elle, Cosmopolitan and Vanity Fair. Her ad campaigns have included Giorgio Armani, Calvin Klein’s CK One fragrance, Vera Wang Bridal and Pantene Pro-V.

She’s also walked several catwalks for designers like Ralph Lauren, Balenciaga, Lanvin and Alexander Wang.

Let the Robert Pattinson and Noot romance rumors begin!

Seear’s manager could not confirm the casting, but tells me, “She has auditioned and is in consideration with the studio for the role.”



message 32: by Caz (new)

Caz (cazk) I like Anna better, but she'll do for the whole 2 minutes she'll have her moment!

message 33: by Meghan (new)

Meghan | 531 comments I don't really like her, I like Anna better.

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