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La revolución francesa: Una nueva historia (Serie Mayor)

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Acontecimiento fundacional del mundo contemporáneo, la Revolución francesa ha visto cómo su historia pasaba de la apología progresista tradicional a la descalificación, hasta negar su propia existencia, en la reacción conservadora de las últimas décadas del siglo pasado. Jean-Clément Martin, profesor emérito dela Universidad de París, nos ofrece ahora una revisión basada en las investigaciones de los últimos treinta años, donde la Revolución se nos presenta, no como la realización de un proyecto único, sino como el punto de encuentro de una serie de proyectos reformistas y utópicos que competían entre sí, en un país fragmentado por una serie de identidades regionales, religiosas y políticas. Lo cual ayuda a entender la complejidad de su trayectoria, que comenzó como un intento de revolución por arriba, iniciado por la monarquía hacia 1770, y acabó, treinta años más tarde, tras una etapa de violencia desatada, en las manos de un general carismático. Martin nos ayuda así a entender cómo y por quéla Revolución transformó profundamente, no sólo Francia, sino nuestro propio mundo.

879 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 1, 2012

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About the author

Jean-Clément Martin

64 books6 followers
Jean-Clément Martin est un historien français, spécialiste de la Révolution française, de la Contre-révolution et de la guerre de Vendée

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Profile Image for P.E..
817 reviews662 followers
February 9, 2022
Revolutionary praxis

This history book offers a survey of both events and actors involved by the French Revolution (1789), but also a critical - and, I would say, sensible - assessment of the historiography of this era, riddled with ideological exegeses, pro domo pleas, and various political appropriations and deformations.

Major points outlined:

- Bear in mind that Revolutionary France inherited a lot from the Old Regime (the Monarchy, before 1789).

- You gain nothing by essentializing the events of the French Revolution, taking it as the indepassable model for all future revolutions. It is much more rewarding to consider its phases and actors specifically, taking into account their contradictions and evolutions, invididual or as part of groups, some dating back to the pre-revolutionary times.

- This way, you get to perceive the underlying balance of power and the transactional basis between all actors within this frame (be they national representatives, members of federations or local groups, military envoys, representatives on a mission, fractions within a bigger group). The Revolution has never enjoyed unity. It is the product of complex conflicts, negociations, pragmatism. For instance, religion and its articulation with the State has kept being a sensible question for all groups concerned (cf Civil Constitution of the Clergy on July 12 1790, or the repeated conflicts between revolutionary and religious legitimacies).

- The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen as it has been formulated in its various versions can be seen as part of the ad hoc solution to the vacancy of power and guiding principles after the fall of the French Monarchy.

- J.C. Martin depicts the Convention and what is traditionally called 'The Terror', insisting on the legacy of the Old Regime, as far as repression is concerned, emphasizing that revolutionary France waged a war at these times, preferring the comparison with WW1 France than the usual one with totalitarian regimes, if one has to rely on such a comparison, that is. He highlights the deep desillusion, the loss of bearings, widespread desaffection and outrageous contrasts between the poorer and the profiteers, following the end of the Terror. This era casted a doubt on the whole revolutionary experience and its future, witnessing the return of monarchists in the public debate.
The Directoire only makes more obvious the discrepancy between daily preocupations of the general population (poverty, lack of leverage, difficult voicing of contrary opinions) and political constructions. At the same time, it materializes an growing attachment to institutions and laws (cf property of national goods, bonds, titles), from all groups in the country.

- A fundamental question and issue was that of the relative part of the individual and the nation, of liberalism and statism, direct democracy and representative democracy, of revolutionary principles and the institutions following it. In short, the articulation of Revolution and the individuals forming the nation was at stake.

- The historian logically - and chronologically - concludes by asserting how increasingly important are the administration and the army as major sources of revenue, attractive careers, and true crucibles of republicanism.

My opinion:

I tend to agree with several reviews as to the awe-inspiring density of this work. Still, many major actors are properly introduced, the events reasonably outlined and the underlying mechanisms tackled. For me, this work turns out to be a remarkable achievement as far as the historiography of French Revolution and its times are considered. I count it as the most encompassing and critical work I have yet read about this momentous event. Thanks for reading!

Further reading:

Historical background:

La France du XIXe siècle. 1814-1914
Révolutions françaises du Moyen âge à nos jours
La Révolution Française
La Révolution française déclare la guerre à l'Europe : L'embrasement de l'Europe à la fin du XVIIIe siècle
Nouvelle histoire des guerres de Vendée

Musings about revolutions, liberalism, the power of the State...

Democracy in America Volume 1
Democracy in America Volume 2
La Rebelion de las Masas
Mes idées politiques
Scènes de la vie future
Natural Right and History
Capital and Ideology

Fiction set during the Revolution or in the 19th century, retracing some of its consequences:

The Chouans
The Red and the Black
L'Enjomineur : 1792
L'Éducation sentimentale
Contes cruels
La Curée
Profile Image for Mathieu.
359 reviews19 followers
March 5, 2013
Cinq étoiles car ce livre m'a forcé à reconsidérer beaucoup de mes visions sur la Révolution. Je pense commencer à comprendre la méthode ainsi que les intentions de J.-C. Martin, l'idée qu'il s'agit avant tout de comprendre les motivations et les stratégies des acteurs, ces dernières se heurtant à leur aveuglement. Je suis admiratif devant l'érudition de J.-C. Martin et un peu inquiet devant sa vision pessimiste de l'histoire. Je ferais un compte-rendu plus détaillé plus tard.
July 27, 2018
Un libro pesado con un estilo rebuscado. No tiene orden ni una secuencia. Para ser un libro de historia me pareció bastante malo. Parte del supuesto de que el lector ya sabe de pies a cabeza la historia y participantes de la revolución francesa.
266 reviews
March 18, 2020
Il faut quand même avoir une excellente vue d'ensemble sur la révolution pour pleinement profiter du livre. Si on n'en connait que les grandes lignes, c'est assez pénible par moments.
15 reviews
July 8, 2022
No es sencillo

La revolución Francesa no fue un acontecimiento sencillo que se desarrolló en línea recta, fue una gesta tumultuosa en toda su trayectoria. Este libro trata de describir de una manera sucinta una gran cantidad de hechos que forjaron la revolución francesa. No es una lectura sencilla, y probablemente lo disfrute más una persona con un conocimiento previo de la revolución
Profile Image for Carlos Santiago .
117 reviews12 followers
February 14, 2018
Revelador en muchos aspectos y muy documentado, pero pesado y extenso innecesariamente. No recomendado para una primera lectura sobre la famosa revolución francesa, es un libro para eruditos del tema.
Me ha sorprendido muchos de los motivos por el cual se produjo la revolución que cambió el mundo, algunos de los que estamos viviendo en la actualidad.
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