Remember Stretch Armstrong? That bendy strongman toy with the cheesy grin? Well, he's back bitches.

The catch? He looks like a Ben 10 knockoff rather than the Stretch we all know and love.

Stretch Armstrong and the Flex Fighters is Hasbro Studios' first original project for Netflix, and will be a cartoon action show revolving around Jake Armstrong and his two best buds.

Stretch Armstrong and the Flex Fighterspinterest

After they are accidentally exposed to an experimental chemical (what kind of chemical? Don't worry about it), they become the aforementioned Stretch Armstrong and the Flex Fighters.

The series is expected to launch on Netflix at some point in 2017.

Not only that, but the Stretch toy itself is making a comeback this year. The action figure was first sold in 1976, and was then relaunched in the 1990s.

It was cool at the time...