Gantry Crane: uses and variations

Gantry Crane: uses and variations - Crosby Airpes

The gantry crane is one of the most common cranes in the world and can be adapted to many uses. As well, the size can be scalable to almost every work, and the hoist that the crane uses can perform many different actions.

In Crosby Airpes, we are experts in designing the best equipment so your gantry crane can effectuate many different operations. Let’s have a look at some of them.

What is a gantry crane?

The gantry crane is a variant of a crane placed on a gantry structure or similar, with the whole system designed to straddle above a space carrying the load or the object that needs to be moved. Gantry cranes are also called portal cranes, the “portal” being the space straddled by the gantry.

A gantry crane has many similarities to an overhead crane. The main difference between a gantry crane or portal crane and an overhead crane is that the gantry crane has a girder and legs that move on a rail, while in an overhead crane, the beam rests directly on rails. Overhead cranes (or bridge cranes) are attached to the interior structure of a building and are a permanent installation in factories and warehouses.

Gantry cranes are more flexible and versatile than bridge cranes. They can be moved where required.


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Operations you can do with a gantry crane

Moving loads

The biggest existing gantry cranes are those used for moving heavy loads, especially for loading and unloading containers from boats on decks and harbors. As well, there are some big gantry cranes used for the construction of boats, cruise ships, and oil rigs, capable of moving tenths of thousands of tons. In fact, the biggest cranes in the world are gantry cranes: simple but effective design.

Weighing loads

With a slight adaptation of the crane, you can use it to weigh heavy loads precisely. No need to use a loaded lorry on an industrial scale to know how many tons of material you are transporting or moving. With a high-precision scale for big weights, your gantry crane will allow you to weigh while moving the material inside your production plant. That’s efficiency taken to the limits.

Please take a look at our weighing solutions. We can adapt them to your gantry crane.

Lifting and handling equipment for your gantry crane - Crosby Airpes

Rotating loads

Turning heavy loads without damaging them or causing damage to goods, people or infrastructures is a very critical operation. It doesn’t matter if it is a concrete structure, the keel of a boat, or any intermediate product that needs to be rotated to carry out more operations. A few tons fall on the floor because of a lousy load turning device translates into a substantial economic and material loss and probably damages goods and infrastructure. With the adequate hoist and mechanism, Crosby Airpes can adapt your gantry crane for rotating any object. It doesn’t matter the size, volume, and weight.


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The perfect lifting and handling solutions for your gantry crane

Crosby Airpes designs and manufactures on-demand equipment for lifting and handling tasks adapted to your gantry or overhead crane.

We also can transform your gantry crane on a high-capacity industrial scale or adapt it to a high-capacity loads rotator.