Chernobyl and Pripyat: where time came to a standstill in 1986

SIGHTSEEING, UKRAINE Updated : Sep 13, 2017, 03.48 PM IST

They say time never waits for anyone, and it never stands still. Well, those who say so mustn’t have been to the deserted and eerily enigmatic neighbouring towns of Chernobyl and Pripyat in modern day Ukraine. Today what looks like a scene straight out of an American dystopian film, happened to be two industrial towns mainly centred on the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. But everything changed on 26th April 1986 when the same power plant turned rogue, and unleashed its wrath upon the inhabitants of Chernobyl and Pripyat.

On that fateful night, reactor number 4 in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant had some malfunction which led to an explosion. This was followed by a massive cloud of radioactive particles that loomed over the sleeping towns killing many unsuspecting residents. Both the towns were evacuated before the death toll took a hike and they still remain the same as the day of its last habitation. The explosion was so lethal that it is believed that it will take another 20,000 years for Chernobyl and Pripyat to be ready for permanent human habitation.

The concrete structures which were home to numerous families of the plant employees today lie in complete isolation. The walls are intact, but you can feel that the air is anything but normal.

Some buildings however took the impact rather directly and they are coming down with the passage of time. The dilapidated school in the image above is one such decaying building in this ghost town.

The presence of this now deserted hotel in Pripyat is proof that the city was not alien to tourist inflow. This also gives a glimpse to the locals’ affinity for an evening well spent.

There must have been times when this ferris wheel was filled with the joyful screams of visiting children. Today you will find it all alone standing in Pripyat as if it is reminiscing the days when it used to be a kids’ favourite in a small buzzing town.

The disaster didn’t just run amok on the ground; it spread to the waters also. The abandoned water vessels are gathering rust, and still floating on the eerily quiet surface.

This is the then Pripyat Energetic community centre attracting people for a leisurely day out. It housed a theatre, a library and a dancing room. The absence of human lives has lent this once bustling community centre a ghost house feel.

The decaying corridor of the Pripyat Hospital tells many tales of horror and despair that run down chill through our spine.

Possibilities are high that this one was a well designed living area of some Pripyat household. The crumbling walls, half opened windows and the disarranged cabinets fill you with a sense of pathos.

As mentioned before, both these towns will take another 20,000 years for permanent human habitation; but the local authorities have been conducting guided tours for some time now. Most of these tours start from Ukraine capital Kiev, and usually offer one day tour of both Chernobyl and Pripyat. Willing visitors are thoroughly checked for any ailment before entering the Exclusion Zone. This zone is a restricted area with a 19 mile radius. It surrounds the blast area that started the inferno. Visitors are asked not to sit anywhere or touch anything in this region. Before they leave the site, they are again checked for radioactive particles.

There is no need to give it in writing that a visit to these two towns is not going to be like anything that you have experienced before. If you are into unconventional holidays and deserted houses, schools and hospitals don’t give you the creeps, we think you are tailor-made for a trip to Chernobyl and Pripyat.

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