Teotihuacán, Mexico

This complex of awesome pyramids, set amid what was once Mesoamerica’s greatest city, is the region’s most visited destination. The sprawling site compares to the ruins of the Yucatán and Chiapas for significance and anyone lucky enough to come here will be inspired by the astonishing technological might of the Teotihuacán (teh-oh-tee-wah-kahn) civilization (Source: Lonely Planet).

Also known as ‘The City of the Gods’, Teotihuacán is one of the most astounding archaeological site in the world and considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Even though this city was abandoned around 1300 years ago, it still displays the advanced knowledge and superb development of this society.

My visit here was part of the private tour I took with Netouring – we visited the Basilica of Guadalupe in the morning and Teotihuacán in the afternoon. It was VERY hot in this whole complex because of the open space. There are no shades to cover from the sun. I highly recommend a hat! and lots and lots of water! I did not manage to climb to the top of the Pyramid of the Sun – it was extremely hot and just too crowded. I did not want to be queuing on the stairs to reach the top! I made it halfway though 😁

Pyramid of the Sun (or in Spanish Pirámide del Sol)

Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Sun Mexico

The world’s third-largest pyramid  – surpassed in size only by Egypt’s Cheops (which is also a tomb, unlike the temples here) and the pyramid of Cholula – overshadows the east side of the Calzada de los Muertos (Avenue of the Dead). This construction stands as the landmark of the whole city.

The Aztec belief that the structure was dedicated to the sun God was validated in 1971, when archaeologists uncovered a 100m-long underground tunnel leading from the pyramid’s west flank to a cave directly beneath its centre, where they found religious artifacts. It’s thought that the sun was worshipped here before the pyramid was built and that the city’s ancient inhabitants traced the origins of life to this grotto.

The pyramid’s base is 222m long on each side and it’s now just over 70m high. The pyramid was cobbled together around AD 100 from THREE MILLION TONNES of stone! without the use of metal tools, pack animals or the wheel.

Pyramid of the Moon (or in Spanish Pirámide de la Luna)

Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Moon Mexico

Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Moon Avenue of the Dead Mexico
Along Avenue of the Dead overlooking Pyramid of the Moon

Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Moon Mexico

Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Moon Mexico

The Pyramid of the Moon, at the north end of the Calzada de los Muertos, is smaller than the Pyramid of the Sun, but more gracefully proportioned. Completed around AD 300, its summit is nearly the same height as Pyramid of the Sun because it’s built on higher ground.

The Plaza de la Luna, just in front of the pyramid, is a handsome arrangement of 12 temple platforms. Some experts attribute astronomical symbolism to the total number of 13 (made up of the 12 platforms plus the pyramid), a key number in the day-counting system of the Mesoamerican ritual calender. The altar in the plaza’s centre is thought to have been the site of religious dancing.

Have you been to Mexico? I’d love to hear your experiences! Leave your comments below. If you haven’t, I hope this post would encourage you to explore this beautiful country.

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Next I’ll be showcasing Puebla, a countryside in Mexico! Stay tuned!

Photography Information:
Camera: Nikon D800.
Lens for Nikon: Tamron 24-70mm F/2.8.
Post-processing: Adobe Lightroom Classic CC

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