Cenote Angelita

Experience Heaven on Earth Scuba Diving in Tulum

Scuba Diving in Cenote Angelita

Max Depth: 30m/100ft

Certification Required: Advanced

Overhead: 20% of the dive

Halocline: Yes

Speleothems: 2/5

Entrance Fee: 350 pesos

GoPro Fee: 200 pesos

Camera Fee: 400 pesos

Scuba diving in Cenote Angelita is an absolute must! Feel like you’re flying through the clouds without having to sit in an uncomfortable airplane seat.

Cenote Angelita is an open cenote, meaning this cenote is one of the oldest types as the ceiling has completely fallen into itself. This cenote is reserved for certified advanced open water divers only as it’s pretty deep. This cenote is also popular among freedivers so you’re likely to spot one while down at 30m.

There is a thick hydrogen sulfide cloud at 30m/100ft. This cloud is made of gas produced by the decomposing tree and other organic materials on the cenote floor. Visibility will be greatly reduced when descending through the thick cloud so make sure to stay tight with the group. Light doesn’t pass through the cloud so it’ll be dark with a yellow tint and it’ll smell like rotten eggs (No, I swear I didn’t pass gas 😬)

We’ll also go through a pretty sweet swim-through towards the end of the dive . Knock this dive off your scuba diving bucket list and let’s go cenote diving!

Cenote Angelita is located just south of Tulum, 80 km from PDC

Angelita is recommended with either Cenote Dreamgate or Cenote Carwash