Happy 29th birthday, Taylor Kitsch! I’m very excited for the season premiere of “Friday Night Lights” on May 7 so I can start hanging out with my favorite sleeve-loathing Texan on a weekly basis again. And although this year will mark Riggins’ last in Dillon, Taylor is just getting started with Hollywood.

In addition to playing a photo journalist alongside Ryan Phillippe in “The Bang Bang Club” later this year and the titular solider in 2012’s “John Carter of Mars,” it was just announced today that Taylor has snagged the lead in an upcoming big screen adaptation of the most cheat-able boardgame, “Battleship.”

In the movie, which will be directed by Taylor’s “FNL” producer Peter Berg, the six-packed one will play Alex Hopper, a wildly spirited Naval commander who takes the reigns of a mankind saving battleship when aliens invade Earth.

Playing the odds on these three films, one will invariably be a hit while the other two will miss. Unless, of course, you stack the ships!