Horor Kecelakaan Bus Tingkat di Thailand, Belasan Orang Tewas


Horor Kecelakaan Bus Tingkat di Thailand, Belasan Orang Tewas

Sawang Rungrueang Rescue22 Foundation via AP - detikNews
Kamis, 07 Des 2023 13:00 WIB

Thailand - Sebuah bus tingkat mengalami kecelakaan hingga terbelah dua di Thailand. Sedikitnya 14 orang dilaporkan tewas dan puluhan lainnya terluka.

In this photo provided by Sawang Rungrueang Rescue22 Foundation, rescue workers and volunteers rescue an injured passenger at the site of a bus accident Tuesday, Dec 5, 2023, at the Prachuap Khiri Khan province, Thailand.  A dozen of people were killed after the vehicle fell off the road and hit a big tree.(Sawang Rungrueang Rescue22 Foundation via AP)

Bus jarak jauh yang berangkat dari Bangkok menuju wilayah selatan itu, menabrak pohon di pesisir provinsi Prachuap Khiri Khan pada Senin (4/12) malam waktu setempat.

In this photo provided by Sawang Rungrueang Rescue22 Foundation, rescue workers and volunteers rescue an injured passenger at the site of a bus accident Tuesday, Dec 5, 2023, at the Prachuap Khiri Khan province, Thailand.  A dozen of people were killed after the vehicle fell off the road and hit a big tree.(Sawang Rungrueang Rescue22 Foundation via AP)

Dalam foto-foto yang dipublikasikan di media lokal, terlihat bagian depan bus terbelah dua akibat benturan keras hingga bagian badan bus ringsek di tengah pohon.  

In this photo provided by Sawang Rungrueang Rescue22 Foundation, rescue workers and volunteers rescue an injured passenger at the site of a bus accident Tuesday, Dec 5, 2023, at the Prachuap Khiri Khan province, Thailand.  A dozen of people were killed after the vehicle fell off the road and hit a big tree.(Sawang Rungrueang Rescue22 Foundation via AP)

Penyelidik polisi di Distrik Huay Yang, Arnon Tangto, melaporkan penyelidikan awal, 14 orang tewas dan 32 orang terluka.

In this photo provided by Sawang Rungrueang Rescue22 Foundation, rescue workers and volunteers rescue an injured passenger at the site of a bus accident Tuesday, Dec 5, 2023, at the Prachuap Khiri Khan province, Thailand.  A dozen of people were killed after the vehicle fell off the road and hit a big tree.(Sawang Rungrueang Rescue22 Foundation via AP)

Penyebab kecelakaan itu belum dapat dipastikan. Namun polisi menduga sopir bus itu berkendara dalam keadaan mengantuk. Menurut data Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia, Thailand merupakan salah satu negara dengan tingkat kecelakaan lalu lintas tertinggi di dunia dengan sekitar 20.000 orang meninggal setiap tahunnya.

Horor Kecelakaan Bus Tingkat di Thailand, Belasan Orang Tewas
Horor Kecelakaan Bus Tingkat di Thailand, Belasan Orang Tewas
Horor Kecelakaan Bus Tingkat di Thailand, Belasan Orang Tewas
Horor Kecelakaan Bus Tingkat di Thailand, Belasan Orang Tewas