Ukiyo-e Arts

What is Ukiyoe

"Ukiyoe ( 浮世絵) is the name refers to Japanese woodblock prints that emerged during the Edo Period (1603 – 1868). It is known worldwide that his artwork inspired prominent European artists such as Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, Paul Cézanne, Vincent Willem van Gogh, etc". (source: Wiki)
Ukiyo-e Ukiyo-e, JNTO

Ukiyo-e Ukiyo-e, JNTO

Ukiyo-e Ukiyo-e, JNTO

Ukiyo-e Ukiyo-e, JNTO

"Ukiyo-e were cheap because they could be mass-produced. They were meant for main townsmen, who were generally not rich enough to pay an original painting. The original subject of ukiyo-e was city life, in particular activities and scenes from the entertainment district. Beautiful courtesans, big Sumo wrestlers, and popular actors would be portrayed while doing interesting activities. Later on, landscapes also became popular. To this day, Ukiyo-e is still very popular across the world." (source: Wiki)


Ukiyo-e Yoshinobu Ason From Series One Hundred Poems, Katsushika Hokusai

Ukiyo-e The Suspension Bridge on the Border of Hida and Etchū Provinces (Hietsu no sakai tsuribashi), from the series Remarkable Views of Bridges in Various Provinces (Shokoku meikyō kiran), Katsushika Hokusai

