Long before America’s Got Talent began populating the Las Vegas Strip with world-class entertainers, the television show Star Search helped launch its fair share of entertainers, including comedian Scott Thompson, better known as Carrot Top.

And while he was, in fact, a runner-up in that competition (yeah, we can’t believe it either), he parlayed his exposure into one of the most successful comedy careers in entertainment history, and currently has one of the longest-running residencies on the Las Vegas Strip. Not bad for second place!

In case you’ve never seen Carrot Top at work, expect plenty of visual gags that come at you at a breakneck pace, some of which work, some of which don’t. But as you quickly discover, whether they work or not isn’t the point. Objects by themselves aren’t funny; the man wielding them definitely is.

Luxor, 16+, 702.262.4400

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