Making Gifs with GOM Player:

1. Open your file in GOM Player. Right-click or press F2. ( i always try to use 720p downloads)


2. Press the Control Panel Button or F7


3. Skip to the part you want to make a gif of (go a bit before though to make sure you capture all the frames you need) then press Advanced Capture and use these settings.. (I suggest you make a folder somewhere labelled gifs so you can access the captures quickly and easily without having to search for them.)


4. Press play then press Burst Capture.


5. Press stop once you’ve captured the entire section you want to gif. Now, go into the folder where you saved your captures, it should look like this:


6. Now you are ready to make a gif in Photoshop. (I’m using CS5) You need to click Window the Animation:


7. To open the captures you took with GOM Player you need to click File then Scripts then Load Files into Stack:


8. You then click Browse and go to the folder where you saved your GOM Captures. Make sure that you set the view to Details and that the arrow where Name is is pointing down. (you’re gif will be backwards otherwise)


9. highlight/select all the captures and press will look like this:


10. Then Press Ok and you will get this:


11. Press the drop down menu and click convert to frame animation


12. In the same drop down menu press Make Frames From Layer:


13. It will look like this:


14. All you need to do then is change the speed of the gif (usually abywhere between 0.15-0.21), it’s size (make sure it’s 500px wide) and the looping options (pick forever.)


15. You can then go on to editing your gif. I suggest you cut down on the amount of frames it has. Anywhere under 10 is usually fine. Remember the gif needs to be under 500kb for it to work on tumblr. Don’t forget to sharpen your gif in Filter - Sharpen - Sharpen.

16. Once you’ve done that and you’re happy with your gif it’s time to save it. Click File then Save for Web and devices:


17. Remember the gif needs to be under 500kb so you might need to lower the colour number or change the settings to diffusion and up the lossy. 


18. Check here to make sure you’re gif is under 500kb


19. ..if it is then press save and volia!

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